企业创新合作 | 德国初创企业:探寻行业新机遇
作为国际创新引领者,璞跃中国(Plug and Play China)一直为国内外创新交流合作提供支持与保障,积极促进中德企业合作。值此之际,璞跃中国(Plug and Play China)将会携手德国加速、AHK德国商会大中华区、Founders Lair及XNode创极无限,在本月的3月30日共同推出本年度第一次助力德国科技企业来华发展的加速营活动-“德国初创企业之夜”。
As a leader in international innovation, Plug and Play China has always facilitated innovation exchanges and cooperation both domestically and internationally, promoting cooperation in various fields between Chinese and German enterprises. On March 30th, Plug and Play China will join hands with the German Accelerator, AHK Greater China, Founders Lair, and XNode to launch the first "China German Startup Night" of the year to support German Startups to Develop in China.
In this event, eight innovative German startups will forge direct connections with potential partners and customers. These startups traverse across a wide range of verticals, including supply chain, sustainable development, mobility, health, smart city, and the Internet of Things. If your business tallies with its matching needs, we extend our sincere welcome to you and invite you to enjoy this innovation feast together!

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MegaDev GmbH通过PLITCH提供了一种SaaS B2C Freemium解决方案,允许全球玩家根据自己的喜好和技能来定制他们的单人游戏体验。用户可以免费尝试PLITCH,免费下载和免费注册账户,在免费层中,我们提供了所有3300多个游戏的3到5个选项。要解锁PLITCH的全部功能,用户必须升级到高级会员。
With PLITCH the MegaDev GmbH offers a SaaSB2C Freemium solution which allows gamersworldwide to tailor their Singleplayerexperience to their own liking and skillset.Users can try out PLITCH for free, freedownload and free account and in the free tier3 to 5 options are available for all of the over+3300 games we offer. To unlock PLITCH'sfull potential users have to upgrade to aPremium Membership.
对接需求 Matching Needs
Potential customer: Companies that use air compressors, especially the automotive sector
Potential partner: Compressor/sensor manufacturer, compressor maintainer, energy-saving consulting
WRS Energie 为压缩空气系统提供补充插件,以降低能源成本和二氧化碳排放量。我们的 LogAir-Box 收集传感器数据并将其传输到软件,检测和评估泄漏、废热损失和异常情况。客户会收到定期报告,其中包含有关能源使用情况的最新信息以及优化节约潜力的具体解决方案。
WRS Energie provides a complementary plug-in for compressed air systems to reduceenergy costs and CO2 emissions. Our LogAir-Box collects and transmits sensor data tosoftware, detecting and evaluating leaks,waste heat losses and anomalies. Customersreceive regular reports with updates onenergy usage and concrete solutions tooptimize savings potentials.
对接需求 Matching Needs
Potential customer: Companies that use air compressors, especially the automotive sector
Potential partner: Compressor/sensor manufacturer, compressor maintainer, energy-saving consulting
nxtDynamics提供定制的Connected Worker套件,包括完成的预置活动,以提供可即插即用的解决方案。当前的产品NXTQ 3.0是一个AR“开箱即用”的工作台,可以集成到SAP/ERP系统中。它可以在任何地方使用,易于携带。当前的使用案例是用于维护。
nxtDynamics provides custom Connected Worker Kitswith completed pre-staging activities to supply aready-to-operate solution. The current product NXTQ 3.0is an AR “OUT OF THE BOX” workbench, that can be integratedinto SAP/ERP system. It can be used anywhere and is easy totransport. The current use case is for maintenance.
对接需求 Matching Needs
Chinese maintenance companies
电子系统分销商 (Allnet)
Distributors of electronic systems (Allnet)
Aviation companies
Ship industries
Chinese companies selling to foreign clients
Stryza 通过将知识管理、工作流程优化和技能管理集成到一个软件平台中,彻底改变了制造运营。凭借数字指南和说明以及收集和不断更新专家知识的能力,Stryza 使制造公司能够达到前所未有的敏捷性和生产力水平。
Stryza revolutionizes manufacturing operationsby integrating knowledge management,workflow optimization, and skill managementinto a single software platform. With digitalguides and instructions and the ability to collectand continuously update expert knowledge,Stryza empowers manufacturing companies toattain unprecedented levels of agility andproductivity.
对接需求 Matching Needs
Potential customers: Process manufacturers such as F&B, chemicals, cosmetics, or plastics
潜在合作伙伴:软件提供商、ERP 提供商、OEM 机械公司
Potential partners: Software providers, ERP providers, OEM machinery company
Venture capital
NISAR 的使命是为汽车软件开发创建革命性的“开放式车辆生态系统”,在范围、性能和灵活性方面远远超出既定范围。
NISAR’s mission is to create a revolutionary "Open Vehicle Ecosystem" for automotivesoftware development that goes far beyondthe established in scope, performance andflexibility.
对接需求 Matching Needs
International companies who have already established their business/production lines, but need to fix the new technical challenges, e.g. innovative component development, End of Line modernization, collaborative development of teams
APK 是利用工业后和消费后塑料废料生产高品质塑料的创新行业领导者。借助新型溶剂型回收技术,从塑料废料混合物和复合材料中获得具有新产品特性的用于塑料应用的纯聚合物。这关闭了全球的材料循环,并为我们的环境和负责任地使用资源做出了可持续的贡献。
APK is an innovative industrial leader in theproduction of high-quality plastics from post-industrial and post-consumer plastic waste.With a novel solvent-based recyclingtechnology, pure polymers for plasticapplications with a new product character areobtained from plastic waste mixtures andcomposites. This closes the material cyclesworldwide and makes a sustainablecontribution to our environment and theresponsible use of resources.

对接需求 Matching Needs
Factories collect, sort, or separate plastic waste
Plastic manufacturers
Recycling companies
Potential off-takers for our recovered plastic, and for our by-product streams
LAIFE 是一个使用 AI 的 SaaS 平台 从用户数据到心理健康问题创建量身定制的音乐。该算法会评估情绪、偏好和过去的收听情况,以生成可促进放松的定制“功能性音乐”。我们的服务帮助用户增强心理健康和睡眠质量,并改善他们在运动、工作和许多其他日常情况下的表现。
LAIFE is a SaaS platform using AI to create tailored music from user data to solve mental health issues. The algorithm evaluatesmood, preferences, and past listening to produce customized “Functional Music” that promotes relaxation. Our service helps usersenhance mental well-being and sleep qualityand improve their performance in Sports,Work, and many other daily situations.

对接需求 Matching Needs
Potential partners/customers: restaurants, hotel chains, senior homes, HR departments of companies
Venture Capital
Sustify 提供以简单语言呈现的职业健康与安全电子学习课程。游戏化,专注于必需品。响应供应链法的要求,从您自己的工厂到南半球的直接供应商。适用于不同行业、文化的版本,当然还有本国语言版本。为有阅读困难的用户提供音频。
Sustify provides e-Learning courses foroccupational health and safety, presented insimple language. Gamified with a focus on theessentials. Responding to the requirements of the supplychain law, from your own factory to the directsuppliers in the Global South. Versions fordifferent industries, cultures, and of course inthe national language. Audio is included forusers with reading difficulties.
对接需求 Matching Needs
Labor-intensive industries such as processing plants and textile factories
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The cross-border team bridges the gap between countries around the world and the most important world markets.
We primarily work with international government agencies and organizations, technology parks and incubators, public corporations, cities and universities to provide education and support on startup acceleration, city innovation, and cross border collaboration. We also help source, identify, and accelerate the most promising startups from various countries and regions’ ecosystems.
We provide International Accelerator Programs, Cross Border Deal-flows, Ecosystem Connect Events, workshops, consulting Reports, go overseas activities to boost startups and international organizations to the next level. We create synergistic opportunities for all players in our ecosystem, and aim to provide a multi-faceted guide for startups on various fronts. Focusing on the demands and various elements faced by cross border development.
德国加速助力德国初创企业在全球范围拓展业务,带领高潜力的公司踏上快速学习之旅,了解、发现并进入位于美国和亚洲的世界领先的创新中心。通过高度量身定制的项目,专家的指导,以及庞大的商业伙伴和投资者网络,德国加速帮助来自各个阶段和不同行业的初创企业进入国际市场并取得成功。自2012年启动以来,德国加速的加速计划已经培育了500多家初创企业,迄今为止融资超过49亿美元。值得一提的是, 德国加速由German Entrepreneurship运营,并得到德国联邦经济事务和气候行动部(BMWK)的资金支持。更多信息请访问, 或关注微信公众号"GEA_official"。
German Accelerator empowers German startups to scale globally. It takes high-potential companies on a fast-paced learning journey to understand, discover, and access the world’s leading innovation hubs in the U.S. and Asia. Through highly-customized programs, mentoring from dedicated experts, as well as access to its vast network of business partners and investors, It helps startups from all stages and across various industries on their way to international success. Since launching in 2012, German Accelerator has nurtured over 500 startups which have raised more than $4.9 billion in funding so far. German Accelerator is run by German Entrepreneurship GmbH and is proudly financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). Visit for more information.
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关于 Plug and Play China 璞跃中国
2006年成立于硅谷的璞跃(Plug and Play)是全球科技创新平台引领者,曾先后成功早期投资孵化了Google、PayPal、Dropbox 等多家互联网行业科技巨头公司,业务涵盖:早期投资、企业创新服务、创新生态空间运营等。经过10余年的发展和超过20年的长期积累,目前在全球设立50多个创新生态空间和区域办公室;累计投资超过1600家初创企业,为超过17000家初创企业进行孵化加速,为超过500家全球领先大企业提供联合创新服务,年平均举行初创企业和大企业间的对接交流活动1000余场。
2015年,在中国双创浪潮下,璞跃入华,2016年“璞跃中国(Plug and Play China)”成立。