

How to efficiently gather, integrate and utilize global innovation resources? How to accelerate and realize disruptive change? How to create a benchmark for technological innovation? Under the general trend of cross-industry integration and cross-regional and cross-border development of global cutting-edge technologies, every active participant in the innovation arena cannot avoid thinking about these issues.


As a world-renowned innovativ ecosystem builder, Plug and Play China has built cooperation with more than 50 international organizations and institutions. Relying on more than 20 years of early investment and incubation acceleration experience, it helps overseas startups to integrate into China’s industrial ecology, and at the same time helps domestic tech companies to explore overseas markets. In 2022, Plug and Play China and the China-Russia (Nanjing) Innovation Cooperation Service Center are jointly launching the 2022-2023 China-Russia Cross-Border Acceleration Program. Through a series of cross-border events, more global innovation resources will gather, and the foundation will be consolidated to accelerate the China-Russia innovation platform.


The first event of the acceleration program will be held in Nanjing on August 31. Entrepreneurs, investors and other industry partners are welcome to scroll down to know more, and scan the QR code to register for the event:






China-Russia (Nanjing) Innovation Cooperation Service Center was officially landed in China (Nanjing) Software Valley in 2021. This center aims to facilitate the cooperation between City of Nanjing and Russian universities, enterprises, and innovation institutions. The center provides service on the transfer and transformation of technological achievements, assists the landing and development of startups and talents, and facilitates the integration among innovation resources, industries and capital to achieve pragmatic, stable, sustainable and long-term cooperative relations.

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关于 Plug and Play China 璞跃中国

2006年成立于硅谷的璞跃(Plug and Play)是全球科技创新平台引领者,曾先后成功早期投资孵化了Google、PayPal、Dropbox 等多家互联网行业科技巨头公司,业务涵盖:早期投资、企业创新服务、创新生态空间运营等。经过10余年的发展和超过20年的长期积累,目前在全球设立40多个创新生态空间和区域办公室;累计投资超过1600家初创企业,为超过17000家初创企业进行孵化加速,为超过500家全球领先大企业提供联合创新服务,年平均举行初创企业和大企业间的对接交流活动1000余场。

2015年,在中国双创浪潮下,璞跃入华,2016年“璞跃中国(Plug and Play China)”成立。




了解更多信息请访问 www.pnpchina.com

Plug and Play中国 是一家科技创新加速器与投资机构,专注创新生态服务和开放式创新业务。 致力于在投资、创业加速、 企业创新服务、 创新生态、 开放创新、 开放创新、 创新咨询、 创新服务、 等层面立体化帮助创业企业成长,专注 开放式创新 ,并与大企业、城市、大学等展开深度创新生态合作。


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plug and play 中国,创新咨询,开放创新,创新生态